Week #10 - Letter J

Letter J is for: jar, jelly beans, jellyfish, jump, jump rope, Jupiter and jet!

Books we read today:

"Jump Frog Jump," by Robert Kalan
"If You're Happy and You Know It: Jungle Edition" by James Warhola

Songs we sang today:

I Feel Crazy So I Jump In The Soup by Laurie Berkner

I feel crazy so I jump in the soup
I feel crazy so I jump in the soup
I feel crazy so I jump in the soup
I jump jump jump in the soup

I feel crazy so I swim in the soup…
I feel crazy so I gallop in the soup…
I feel crazy so I splash in the soup…
I feel crazy so I sit in the soup…

The Lion Sleeps Tonight by Laurie Berkner

In the jungle, the mighty jungle,
The lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle, the mighty jungle,
The lion sleeps tonight

In the village, the peaceful village,
The lion sleeps tonight
In the village, the peaceful village,
The lion sleeps tonight

Hush my darling, don't cry my darling,
The lion sleeps tonight
Hush my darling, don't cry my darling,
The lion sleeps tonight

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight

Week #9 - Letter I

Letter I is for: island, ice cream, igloo, iguana, insect, inchworm and ice!

Books we read today:

"Isaac The Ice Cream Truck," by Scott Santoro
"Ugh! A Bug!" by Maro Bono

Songs we sang today:

Ice Cream Scoops
First we need a cone, nice and crunchy,
Then we need some ice cream, cold and yummy,
Scoop 'em up, stack 'em up, up to the sky.
We love ice cream my, oh my!

First comes vanilla, cold and sweet,
Then comes chocolate, a delicious treat.
Here's some strawberry, orange sherbet, too,
A super-duper scooper cone just for you!
One scoop, two scoops, three scoops, four
We love ice cream...let's have some more!

The Ants Go Marching
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain

...two by two, to tie his shoe
...three by three, to climb a tree
...four by four, to shut the door
...five by five, to take a dive
...six by six, pick up sticks
...seven by seven, go to heaven
...eight by eight, close the gate
...nine by nine, to scratch his spine
...ten by ten, to say THE END!

Week #8 - Letter H

Letter H is for: hat, horse, hand, heart, hen, hammer and hedgehog!

Books we read today:

"Aunt Lucy Went To Buy A Hat," by Alice Low
"Are You A Horse?" by Andy Rash

Songs we sang today:

Pancake Hat
I went to a party and I brought me a hat
I put it on a bed and along came a cat
Cat sat down and squashed it flat
Now I call it my pancake hat
Pancake hat, pancake hat
Used to be fine with a feather and that,
Now I call it my pancake hat!

I put on my hat and I went out to play
Along came the wind and blew it away
Into a pasture and under a cow
Cow took a bite—it’s a doughnut now
Doughnut hat, doughnut hat
Used to be fine with a feather and that,
Now I call it my doughnut hat!

Was hot one day so I went for a swim
I put on my hat and I jumped right in
My hat swelled up and I said, “DRAT!”
Now I call it my muffin hat
Muffin hat, muffin hat,
Used to be fine with a feather and that,
Now I call it my muffin hat!

This Is The Way The Ladies Ride
This Is The Way The Ladies Ride
This is the way the ladies ride
The ladies ride, the ladies ride
This is the way the ladies ride
Trot, trot, trot (very calm riding on lap)

This is the way the gentlemen ride
The gentlemen ride, the gentlemen ride
This is the way the gentlemen ride
Clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop (a little faster riding on lap)

This is the way the farmer rides
The farmer rides, the farmer rides
This is the way the farmer rides
Trit trot, trit trot, trit trot (lop-sided riding on lap)

This is the way the cowboy rides
The cowboy rides, the cowboy rides
This is the way the cowboy rides
Gallop, gallop gallop (very fast riding on lap)

This is the way the astronaut rides
The astronaut rides, the astronaut rides
This is the way the astronaut rides
(blast off! -- parent lifts child up in the air)

Week #7 - Letter G

Letter G is for: goat, giraffe, girl, grasshopper, garden, glue, glitter, grandma and grandpa!

Books we read today:

"What! Cried Granny: An Almost Bedtime Story," by Kate Lum
"Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!," by Candace Fleming

Songs we sang today:

"These Are My Glasses," by Laurie Berkner
These are my glasses (make glasses with your finger)
This is my book (hands pressed together)
I put on my glasses (put on the glasses)
And open up the book (open your hands)
Now I read read read (hold out the “book”)
And I look look look (look through the glasses)
I put down my glasses (put hands down)
and…WHOOP (clap hands together)
Close up the book.

"Echo Gecko," by Brian Kinder
(chorus)Hey everybody (hey everybody)
Tell ya 'bout my gecko (tell ya 'bout my gecko)
A funny little lizard (a funny little lizard)
Who always likes to echo (who always likes to echo)
Come on let's go (come on let's go)
Echo like my gecko (echo like my gecko)

(kids repeat back series of clapping)

Hey, let's go faster! (hey, let's go faster!)
Faster and faster! (faster and faster!)

(kids repeat back series of faster clapping)

Hey! These kids are good! (Hey! These kids are good!)
Hey these kids are real good! (Hey these kids are real good!)

(repeat chorus)

Week #6 - Letter F

Letter F is for: fish, farmer, flower, family, frog and firetruck!

Books we read today:

"The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark," by Ken Geist
"Cock-a-Doodle, Quack, Quack," by Ivor Baddiel and Sophie Jubb

"Hurry, Hurry, Drive the Firetruck"

Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck(Hands on steering wheel)
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!(Ring bell)

Hurry, hurry, turn the corner(Lean to the right)
Hurry, hurry, turn the corner(Lean to the left)
Hurry, hurry, turn the corner(Lean to the right and left)
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!(Ring bell)

Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder(Pretend to climb ladder)
Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder
Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!(Ring bell)

Hurry, hurry, squirt the water(Pretend to spray hose)
Hurry, hurry, squirt the water
Hurry, hurry, squirt the water
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!(Ring bell)

Slowly, slowly, back to the station(Lean slowly to the left and right)
Slowly, slowly, back to the station
Slowly, slowly, back to the station
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!(Ring bell)

"Farmer Brown Had Five Red Apples"

Farmer Brown had five red apples
Hanging on the tree.
Farmer Brown had five red apples
Hanging on the tree.
And he plucked one apple (remove apple from tree)
And he ate it hungrily.
Leaving four red apples
Hanging on the tree.

Repeat with four, three, two and one.

Farmer Brown had one red apple
Hanging on the tree.
Farmer Brown had one red apple
Hanging on the tree.
And he plucked one apple
And he gave it just to me.
Leaving no red apples
Hanging on the tree.