Fall Storytime - Letter B

Letter B is for: baseball, bear, brush, boots, button, bottle, bowl and bag!

Books we read today:

"It's the Bear," by Jez Alborough
"Who's in the Tub?" by Sylvie Jones

Songs we sang today:

"These Are My Glasses"
These are my glasses
This is my book
I put on my glasses
and open up the book
Then I read, read, read
and I look, look, look
I put down my glasses
and (whoop) close up the book!

"The Cool Bear Hunt"
Going on a bear hunt
Gonna catch a big one
With big, green eyes
and a fuzzy, little tail
Look over there
It's a candy factory
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Guess we'll go through it (loudly pretend to eat candy)

Going on a bear hunt
Gonna catch a big one
With big, green eyes
and a fuzzy, little tail
Look over there
It's a peanut butter river
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Guess we'll swim across it (pretend to swim slowly through the peanut butter)

Going on a bear hunt
Gonna catch a big one
With big, green eyes
and a fuzzy, little tail
Look over there
It's a jello swamp
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Guess we'll go through it (wiggle body like jello)

Going on a bear hunt
Gonna catch a big one
With big, green eyes
and a fuzzy, little tail
Look over there
It's a cave
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Guess we'll go inside it (pretend to get out flashlight)

It's cold in here!
I see two big green eyes
I see a fuzzy little tail

Out of the cave
Through the jello swamp
Across the peanut butter river
through the candy factory
I see my home!
Open the door, close the door

We went on a bear hunt
and we weren't afraid!!

"Baby Bumble Bee"
I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee
Won't my mommy be so proud of me
I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee
OUCH! He stung me!

I'm bringing home a baby dinosaur
Won't my mommy fall right through the floor
I'm bringing home a baby dinosaur
ROAR (small roar)!

I'm bringing home a bigger dinosaur
Won't my mommy hide behind the door
I'm bringing home a baby dinosaur
ROAR (Loud roar)!

"Hello Bubbles"
(repeat each line 2x)
Hello bubbles
Come and land
Right in the middle
Of my hand.

Goodbye bubbles
Time to go
I can help you
With a blow.

Fall Storytime - Letter A

Letter A is for: apple, apron, ant, airplane, alligator, acorn!

Books we read today:

"Little Mouse and the Big Red Apple," by A.H. Benjamin
"The Three Little Gators," by Helen Ketteman

Songs we sang today:

"Farmer Brown"

Farmer Brown had 5 red apples hanging on the tree
Farmer Brown had 5 red apples hanging on the tree
Then he plucked one apple and he ate it hungrily
(eat the apple very quickly and loudly)
Leaving 4 red apples still hanging on the tree.

Farmer Brown had 4 red apples...
Farmer Brown had 3 red apples...
Farmer Brown had 2 red apples...
Farmer Brown had 1 red apple...

...Leaving no red apples still hanging on the tree!

"5 Little Monkeys"

5 little monkeys swinging from the tree
Teasing Mr. Alligator "you can't catch me"
Along came the alligator...quiet as can be...and SNAP!

4 little monkeys
3 little monkeys
2 little monkeys
1 little monkey