Preschool Storytime - Letter e

Today's "e is for egg" craft
Today, we read a silly story about what to do just in case an elephant stands on your foot, and a story about what could hatch from an egg!! Here is a recap of what we read, sang and created today! Feel free to have your child bring an item to each week's your house with your child for items that begin with the letter "f" for next week's program!

Books we read today:

"What To Do If An Elephant Stands On Your Foot," by Michelle Robinson
"Except If," by Jim Averbeck

Songs we sang today:

"Five Elephants In The Bathtub"

One elephant in the bathtub
Going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap twice with "knock, knock")
Splash, splash (splash knees twice with "splash, splash")
Come on in (motion with both hands to come in).

Two elephants in the bathtub...etc.

Five elephants in the bathtub
Going for a swim.
Knock, knock
Splash, splash
And the tub fell in!

"I Know A Chicken" (Laurie Berkner)

I know a chicken (I know a chicken)
And she laid an egg (and she laid an egg)
Oh I know a chicken (I know a chicken)
And she laid an egg (and she laid an egg)
Oh my goodness (oh my goodness)
It's a shaky egg! (it's a shaky egg!)
Shake it fast...
(repeat lyrics)
Shake it slow...shake it fast
(repeat lyrics)
Shake it in a circle...shake it up and down
(repeat lyrics)

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