Letter Q is for: quarter, queen, quilt, quiet, quick, quail and question!
Books we read today:
"Loud and Quiet: An Animal Opposites Book," by Lisa Bullard
"If I Were Queen of the World," by Fred Hiatt
Songs we sang today:
"Walking Shoes" (loud and quiet)
I put on my walking shoes
My walking shoes, my walking shoes
I put on my walking shoes
'Cuz I'm a gonna walk with you
Help me walk, walk, walk,
I'm a gonna walk with you
Help me walk, walk, walk
I'm a gonna walk with you (walk quietly)
I put on my stomping shoes...(stomp loudly)
I put on my tiptoe shoes...(tiptoe quietly)
I put on my running shoes...(run loudly)
I put on my backwards shoes...(walk backwards quietly)
"Mama Duck" (quack - with rhythm sticks)
Here comes the mama duck quack (tap sticks one time)
Here comes the mama duck quack (tap sticks one time)
Here comes the mama with one little duckling quack (tap sticks one time)
Here comes the mama duck quack quack...(tap sticks two times)
Here comes the mama duck quack quack quack...(tap sticks three times)
Here comes the mama duck quack quack quack quack...(tap sticks four times)
Here comes the mama duck quack quack quack quack quack...(tap sticks five times)
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