Letter A is for: apple, aardvark, ant, airplane, alligator, acorn!
Books we read today:
"The Three Little Gators," by Helen Ketteman
"Lettice: The Flying Rabbit," by Mandy Stanley
Songs we sang today:
"Five Little Monkeys"
Five little monkeys swinging in a tree
Teasing Mr. Alligator "you can't catch me!"
Along came an alligator...quiet as can be (shhh)
(continue with 4, 3 2 then 1 alligator)
"Alligator in the Elevator"
(chorus) There's an alligator in the elevator,
I can't believe what I see!
There's an alligator in the elevator,
And it's making eyes at me!
Alligator, please push number one.
I'm going up to the first floor
Would you care to join me for some fun?
Alligator, please push number two.
I'm going up to the second floor
Gee I'd like to make friends with you.
Alligator, please push number three.
I'm going up to the third floor
Would you care to have some lunch with me?
Alligator, please push number four.
I'm going up to the fourth floor
Tell me what are your big teeth floor?
Alligator, please push number five.
I'm going up to the fifth floor
And I'd like to make it there alive!
Get in your airplanes and off we go
Going to the park is first, you know.
Now slow it down and land on the ground
And when you get out you're gonna jump all around.
…California…spin all around
…New York City…gallop all around
…playground…dance all around
Get back in your airplanes, it's time to go home
Your family and friends are waiting you know
Now slow it down and land on the ground
And come sit down in your own hometown.